1. SEO Driven migrations

    Queryo provides a support service during all the phases of website’s SEO migration onto a new platform

    The reasons for deciding to migrate a website are numerous. Firstly, the modernising of infrastructure in line with the ever more rapid evolution of technology and the subsequent new marketing objectives.

    Platform migration phases are extremely delicate, so it is for this reason that we closely monitor the whole process, intervening where necessary in order to maintain stable rankings on search engines and the ensure the user of the web has an excellent User Experience

  2. Contacts


    Mail: info@queryo.com

    Support Phone : +39 070 979 1458


    Privacy Information

    Queryo Advance Srl - VAT IT03570580922
    Società soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di Tinexta S.p.A.

    Commercial offices:
    Piazza Sallustio n. 9, 00187 Roma
    Via Principi d’Acaja n.12, 10138 Torino

    Operational offices:
    Milano, Via Wittgens n. 2

    Registered office and headquarters:
    Via Riccione, 7 09045 Quartu S.E. (CA)

    Cap. Soc. 10.000 € - C.C.I.A.A. Cagliari Rea n°281678

    Evento Queryo