1. Google Ads Campaigns

    Google Ads Campaigns - Pay Per Click

    Dedication, objectives met or surpassed: this is what sets us apart in the creation and management of Google Ads Campaigns

    The objectives set are clear and measurable, and we can reach them with the experience accumulated over the past few years as well as the careful planning of budget, resources and time.

    Google Ads is an indispensable work tool for any e-commerce business and any brand. We are able to undertake successful campaigns with optimal conversion costs and ROI, and to study the best strategies for growth in your on-line market.

    We undertake Branding campaigns making the necessary decisions that will enhance your Digital Identity, leaving nothing to chance.

  2. Contacts


    Mail: info@queryo.com

    Support Phone : +39 070 979 1458


    Privacy Information

    Queryo Advance Srl - VAT IT03570580922
    SocietĂ  soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di Tinexta S.p.A.

    Commercial offices:
    Piazza Sallustio n. 9, 00187 Roma
    Via Principi d’Acaja n.12, 10138 Torino

    Operational offices:
    Milano, Via Wittgens n. 2

    Registered office and headquarters:
    Via Riccione, 7 09045 Quartu S.E. (CA)

    Cap. Soc. 10.000 € - C.C.I.A.A. Cagliari Rea n°281678

    Evento Queryo